Friday, September 28, 2012


Her little pink nose is gone now and instead of just being cute, she's still cute, but bites (sometimes).

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Reply All

You know what really pisses me off? Reply All. Yup, I hate to tell you, but I don't care to receive ten thousand emails in reply to 'is Monday at one good for all of you?'

All you have to do is hit reply and let the person who sent the email know. AHHHHHHH!!!!!

I really wish the reply all button would just disappear.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I Can't Sleep Here! And more...

You know what's a great invention? Earplugs. That's right. That should be the first item on dorm room necessities list. Fo Realz.

I can't sleep well here. If it's not an incredibly loud banshee scream, it's someone running down the hall or playing really really loud, horrible music. I wake up at least four times a night. Don't these people sleep? What the hell is wrong with sleeping? Maybe there are giant cats living in all the other apartments. Cats are nocturnal creatures, so this could be a good theory.

(giant cats)

You know what's also annoying? Emails from the RA at least three days a week threatening you. Either you and your roommates me and sign an agreement, or you'll have to see the hall director. I'd rather see the hall director at this point. It's six weeks into the semester and I have yet to see one of my roommates. The other two, I have seen for less than ten minutes total.

I have a really good story for you, but you'll have to wait till I am done ranting.

Last week, I scheduled the appointment for us to meet. I asked the two that actually exist and was told they could make it. Tuesday, at 7:30pm came and went and guess who was the only one that showed up? That's right. Me. I'm not making another appointment.

So, I guess you might want to hear that story?

Well, I was sleeping and at around 2:40am, I heard banging coming from outside the apartment door. I thought it was all in my dream. The banging lasted for only a minute and all was quiet once again. I drifted back into sleep and didn't wake up again until 4:15am. I heard voices, yelling, crying and a seriously self incriminating story. That's right.

A roommate was found passed out in the hall. Apparently, the one who shall remain unnamed (I'll refer to her as her and she), drank too much. 'But I don't drink,' oh, but you did. And the legal drinking age is 21, not .02. And don't tell a cop you used a fake i.d. I guess no one ever told her to just say 'I want a lawyer.' I don't know what good it would have done, but she didn't need to tell them she used a fake i.d. I was just listening in my room when I heard a knock on my door. Two cops were standing there (both looking very tired), told me the story and then asked me if I wanted to 'watch' her.

'Ya know, so she won't fall.' One said.

I can't be responsible for her. What if she does fall or chokes on her own vomit? That's a HELL NO. I'm just glad some mysterious person I didn't see decided to just take her to the hospital. And then I went back to bed. But I couldn't sleep. So I read Edison's Eve by Gaby Wood. It's actually very interesting.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Don't Read This

I just said don't. It's not like anyone ever writes a comment...

Which makes me very very sad.

Instant Coffee and Freshly Brewed Are Different

Instant coffee is tasty, but it's not the same as freshly brewed coffee. For example, I drank 12 ounces of instant coffee (regular) and I am still tired an hour after I finished it. Caffeine begins to kick in 45 minutes after taking,T therefore, I may conclude that instant coffee does not help with energy because it DID NOT do anything.
