Saturday, August 31, 2013


I have nothing of value to say after all. 

Are these too short or short enough? And yeah, I got super dressed up to go shopping...gotta look like crap once in a while to appreciate the days I look good...

Saturday, August 17, 2013


August 19th marks The Spout's one year birthday! I've been whining, complaining, venting, and writing something contemplative every now and then, for an entire year already, and my favorite tag is still 'pain and suffering.' I'm most definitely in a mood this weekend because its back to school, yuckk. 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Feeling the weight of a day

Emptiness is a rather heavy emotion. I think this poem is pretty much self explanatory. It's a very rough draft...If you find it to be scratchy, I apologize, I just wrote it. 

A Day

Just a date,
a few numbers and dashes 
two slashes
marking the death of time,
in the big scheme of things, 
a minuscule marker of our history. 
A twenty-four hour journey,
a good day or
a struggle 
to drag oneself 
like immobile clock hands hovering,
or waiting for my heart 
to beat because 
I wanted you. 
Today I feel--
tiring waves of feeling 
like a pendulum 
suffering from chronic 
monotonous movement, 
thoughts of you 
just may,
I pray,
be gone