Sunday, December 30, 2012

Fox (News Channel) Rocks and Other Stuff

One of my favorite segments on Fox News Channel’s The Factor is Watters World. Why? Well, because it’s so much fun to see people make themselves look ridiculous (HAHAHA….HA!). I can’t tell you how many times Jesse Waters holds up a sign of a picture of a politician, let’s say a picture of Nancy Pelosi (*ew*) or Joe Biden (*gagging*), and young people, in their twenties, look at it, maybe stare at it for a bit and eventually say “I don’t know,” as a glazed look passes over their eyes. What is it with our generation being so uninformed? Why is reality television so popular, when it clearly is not reality?? We all know The Real Housewives of New York, Atlanta, and wherever The Real Housewives live, are not real housewives. Ask your mother or someone else’s mother. She’ll tell you who is a real housewife. I heard on FNC that the average person during the 2012 Presidential Election watched, read and/or listened to three hours of election coverage. That’s it? I know I watched at least three hours of election news each day - I even tweeted during every debate! And another thing that really pisses me off is the fact that immigrants complain that they don’t get to vote – they just get to live here. Well you know what? It took me eighteen years to get the opportunity to vote, and it wasn’t even that much fun (nothing like the Obama commercials with Lena Dunham), the options were just ‘eh’. 

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